Friday, June 24, 2016

A Few of My Favorite Things

I don't get the chance to do much sewing these days, but every now and again I get to break out my sewing machine and spend a couple hours being creative. 

I bought this really cute shirt about a year ago for family pictures. I was able to wear it for a couple of weeks, and then this happened...So into storage it went until I felt I could deal with fixing it. 
Not sure what made me think of it, but this shirt popped into my mind the other evening and its been eating at me since. My schedule cleared up today, (finished my homework!) so I dug it back out. 
The major problem with it was this hole in the binding around the neckline. I haven't had much experinece with fixing this problem, but I understand the concept. Thought I would take a stab at it and see how frustrated I could get. :)

As I sat down at my sewing machine, I realized that I didn't have any thread that would possibly match. So what do you do when you need a specific color but don't want to pack a whole shirt into Wal-mart?? That's right! You tie a small piece of broken thread around your finger! (Please excuse the bad manicure) 

I have to admit I felt really silly walking around like this, but I hope no one even noticed. 

Also had to stop and get my favorite sewing treat...Mango Pineapple Orange Julius from Dairy Queen. Makes my day so much brighter!

I had a really fun time trying to figure out how to fix the neckline, and after about 30 minutes of wrestling with it, I succeeded!! And I didn't even get that frustrated...

Another small adjustment I needed to make (and one that made me feel really good) was to take in the sides. Since I bought the shirt, I have lost a considerable amount of weight. It was nice to be able to have a physical reminder of the hard work I have been putting into being comfortable in my own skin. 

Had to take in about two inches on both sides! 

Finished Product: Front


I really love getting the chance to spend some time increasing the talents that I have been given. There is not much in my life that I feel in control of right now, but when I get to sew, I feel that at least one thing is right in the world.


Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Hey, Y'all!!

Just a little background on me: I am a Business student at BYU-Idaho in Rexburg. I am in my final year and looking to graduate in April 2017.

(left to right: my brother, his wife and youngest, my younger sister, Mom, Dad, my brother's other daughter, and me)

I am many things: a daughter, a sister, a roommate, friend, aunt, cousin, student, quilter, reader, artist. A culmination of my experiences. But above all I am a Daughter of God. He is my foundation, my Rock, and my Redeemer. Everything in life I owe to Him.

I have been through a recent period of growth that has brought me closer than ever to my Father in Heaven. I am grateful every day for the trials and tests that have helped me to become the person I am today. The best part is that I still have lots of growth ahead of me. :)

I know that when we are doing the things we are supposed to, and following Christ's example, we can indeed "expect heaven's help" in all aspects of our lives. I have been so blessed through my membership in this Church and the people that God has put into my life. I know that without it's influence in my life, I would not be who I am today. 

This blog is to be a place where I can share my experiences in life. I hope to be able to gain a better understanding of God's plan for me, and hopefully inspire someone to search for the true happiness that can only be found through Christ. 
